REFLECTIONS Extra – Harold Stassen Campaign Charter 1948
Expanding from the article printed in the September 2020 REFLECTIONS, we present additional images (and at larger size) from the photo log kept by Capt. Carl Lamping, who was the lead pilot on the February 1948 mission.
Tour logbook cover; the trip flew counterclockwise, departing MSP on Feb. 15, 1948 and returning Feb. 28. Carl Lamping collection via Lawrence Lamping donation to the NWAHC.At top: George Casey, Flight Mechanic; FO Spence Marsh; Capt. Carl Lamping. At left: David McConnel, NY Herald Tribune; Wallace Mitchell, Mpls. Tribune. Harold Stassen at center with FA Donna Haan at left and Rose Oedbauer at right. Continuing right: A.E. Floan, VP-Northwest; and from the campaign, Duncan Baird, ass’t. trip manager; Adolph Giere, trip manager; Ed Larson, secretary. Carl Lamping collection.FO Marsh and FA Oedbauer review the upcoming itinerary with Stassen. Photo provides a nice look at the wall covering between the forward cabin and cargo / cockpit area. Carl Lamping collection.Stassen, at right, discusses plans for upcoming stops with (from left) Adoplh Giere, the campaign’s trip manager, Ed Floan, Northwest Vice President, and Duncan Baird, assistant trip manager. Carl Lamping collection.Ed Larson, secretary to the Stassen campaign, runs mimeographed copies of a speech for distribution with the assistance of Rose Oedbauer of NWA. Carl Lamping collection.Stassen at left, with Adolph Giere, campaign’s trip manager in center, take questions from Wallace Mitchell of the Minneapolis Tribune and David McConnel of the New York Herald Tribune. Carl Lamping collection.Rose Oedbauer and Donna Haan examining a haul of Washington apples in the galley. Carl Lamping collection.Stassen working on an address. Wallace Mitchell, political reporter for the Minneapolis Tribune and Cowles newspaper syndicate, is behind. Carl Lamping collection.Capt. Lamping makes a preflight visit with Stassen. Carl Lamping collection.Stassen and Giere in conversation with Mitchell from the Mpls. Tribune. Carl Lamping collection.Sandwich and coffee in the galley with Stassen and Donna Haan. Carl Lamping collection.We can assume the aircraft is on the ground in this shot as staff and reporters look out the starboard windows with FO Spence Marsh observing. Carl Lamping collection.Wallace Mitchell of the Minneapolis Tribune works on a dispatch – as the DC-3 had no tray tables to set his “laptop” on, he had to balance the typewriter on a tray and pillow in his lap. Carl Lamping collection.Lamping and Marsh sporting souvenirs from their Rio Grande Valley stops. Carl Lamping collection.Stassen signs an autograph during the stop in Kansas City. Carl Lamping collection.
3 thoughts on “REFLECTIONS Extra – Harold Stassen Campaign Charter 1948”
please note that just for clarity, the above mentioned logbook and associated pictures was indeed kept by my father Capt. Carl Lamping. It was donated to the NWAHC however by me, Lawrence L. Lamping.
Many thanks again! We’ve made the update. Who is Bob Jasperson in relation to the donation paperwork?
The Stassen trip material was originally part of a larger donation given to the Wings of the North (WOTN) Museum. WOTN is primarily focused on military aviation and the Stassen material did not fit into that focus. We are tenants in the same building and have a close relationship with Bob and Judy Jasperson. They realized the NWAHC would be an obvious home for these items and passed them on to us.
This background information was noted on our accession form but WOTN was mistakenly listed as the donor – with Lawrence’s address. He notified me of my err; I corrected the paperwork and resent it to him. Unfortunately, this confusion managed to creep into the article.
My apologies to Lawrence for not getting the record straight.
please note that just for clarity, the above mentioned logbook and associated pictures was indeed kept by my father Capt. Carl Lamping. It was donated to the NWAHC however by me, Lawrence L. Lamping.
Many thanks again! We’ve made the update. Who is Bob Jasperson in relation to the donation paperwork?
The Stassen trip material was originally part of a larger donation given to the Wings of the North (WOTN) Museum. WOTN is primarily focused on military aviation and the Stassen material did not fit into that focus. We are tenants in the same building and have a close relationship with Bob and Judy Jasperson. They realized the NWAHC would be an obvious home for these items and passed them on to us.
This background information was noted on our accession form but WOTN was mistakenly listed as the donor – with Lawrence’s address. He notified me of my err; I corrected the paperwork and resent it to him. Unfortunately, this confusion managed to creep into the article.
My apologies to Lawrence for not getting the record straight.