Following up from our article in the June 2023 REFLECTIONS relating the memorial dedication in Washington State for those lost on NW293 in the North Pacific on June 3, 1963, we present additional photos:

Conversations at the Museum brought up the memory of one of those who perished, Patricia Moran, who had been a flight attendant at North Central from 1955-1957, left to complete her degree in early childhood education at the University of Minnesota, and hired on at Northwest right after graduation in 1959. The sky was her home, and she even wrote a book of poetry with aviation themes, “Come Fly With Me,” published in 1962.

Our Museum’s first editor, Anne Kerr, had collected stories about Pat Moran, and published them in her “Lady Skywriter” blog ten years ago:
Pat would not have been on that flight if the rules had been followed – not all stories about a love of flight end up as happy ones.

I think you have mis-identified the person in the picture and in the recent quarterly journal as Darlene Jenner…I believe that is actually DARLENE JEVNE.
Thank you, Scott. We were working off hand-scribbled notes and a p.a. system at the event – no printed program – so the name was likely mis-heard. I can make a correction to the digital copy that will be posted shortly.
There are no words to describe the loss and pain that we the family endured. There are no words to describe the sadness and grief. Those that lost family and friends know this to be true. They are forever in our hearts. Elaine (Barrowman) Kangas
Thanks for the article and attending the memorial ceremony 👍🏻