
Hughes Airwest timetable scans complete!

After a season’s worth of scanning, we can finally say all the Hughes Airwest timetables in the Norris and Na collections have been digitized and loaded to the NWAHC website. There are only two system issues we are still seeking: May 1, 1974 (we have the July 1 revision but not the original issue), and October 31, 1971.

It is possible those two issues exist in the NWAHC Archive, but the indexing teams haven’t reached that part of the stacks yet. We’ll keep our eyes open in Eden Prairie, as well as on eBay…


Archiving Annals: Scanning Timetables, Part 1

The NWAHC wants to be a living institution, interacting with anyone in the community who wants to learn more, and earning interest from the generations beyond those who actually worked for Northwest, Republic, or any of their predecessor airlines and feeders. Yet the archives can’t be thrown open willy-nilly because we have an obligation to those who’ve donated materials and funding to preserve and catalog the collection, and because we are still quite busy professionally logging and tagging those materials.

But it makes sense, over the long run, to scan and post a great many documents and data files to help those wanting to conduct research, read casually, or relive memories. My personal area of expertise is in timetables, and between my own collection and that of REFLECTIONS correspondent and good friend Arthur Na, we felt we could jump-start the Center’s expansion onto the Internet.

To that end, for much of Summer-Fall 2018 we’ve been collecting files we’ve already scanned for our own research, and staying up late to scan issues from our own file cabinets and storage tubs.

While Arthur is chugging away on his set of 1950s – 1960s Northwest and North Central issues, I’ve been tackling my Air West and Hughes Airwest stacks. And that brings me to today’s unusual specimen. Most airlines around the world followed the lead of the railroads in choice of timetable paper size and binding method: sheets of around 9″ tall by 16″ wide, stapled down the middle (“saddle-stitched” in printing jargon), and folded along the staple line and then folded again for a 9″x4″ booklet that fit neatly in a sport coat inside pocket. You’ll notice most timetables (and magazines, catalogs, and newspapers) have page counts in multiples of 8, and that’s because the dimensions of printing presses and the large sheets of paper that get fed through them make 8s an efficient use of paper and machine time.

Pacific, Air West, and Hughes Airwest used this method for most of their issues, but their printer for the October 30, 1977 edition must have forgotten what end the press plates went in, because it was printed upside down – it opens toward the left instead of the right! The folding job was all messed up, too, because the right margin on the cover is about 1/4 inch too wide compared to the left margin.

The wacky print job made this issue a real joy to scan, with every page needing serious alignment correction.

Here’s the scanned-in file for your viewing pleasure: RW schedule 1977 10 30

Unlikely this was a one-off misprint, because in that case the interior pages would have been oriented in the correct direction. Today’s industrial digital presses are capable of running micro-batches, but the press used in the 1970s would have done 10,000 or 20,000 copies straight through. I’ll have to find something else to sell and retire off of…

More behind-the-scenes stories to come!                     –Scott Norris

Bringing the Digital Archives Online

If you’re reading this, you more than likely identify as an #avgeek, and more than likely have your own collection of aviation-related materials in your office or basement. Now, imagine what it would be like if a bunch of us pooled our resources together – it might well look like the Center’s archives, housed at the Flying Cloud Airport in Eden Prairie, MN. That is to say, full of boxes, and clothing, and models…

The Center has a team of library-science students working on cataloging and archiving our vast collection, and as you can see, this is going to be a long-term project but definitely worth pursuing!

The early outlines of what we hope to provide Members, visitors, and researchers with are starting to take form now on the NWAHC website, with the launch of our Digital Archives series of pages. To start, we are posting the back-issue library of our quarterly journal, REFLECTIONS, and a large and hopefully comprehensive set of PDF scans of timetables for the Northwest family of carriers.

Those timetables of course need to be scanned by hand, but in doing so we’ll uncover all sorts of marketing and operational tidbits worthy of a blog post here or on our Facebook page, and in turn we hope to generate lively conversations with our Members and visitors!

Exciting times are ahead, and the journey has just begun.

–Scott Norris, new editor of REFLECTIONS and web content master

2018 Minneapolis Airline Collectibles Show and Get-Together

Join us at the Best Western Plus Hotel in Bloomington, MN, just across Killebrew Drive from the Mall of America, on Saturday, October 13th, from 9 am to 4 pm. Admission is only $5, and this year we will feature a lecture from noted aviation historian and Airways contributor David H. Stringer, talking about his new book, America’s Local Service Airlines. Safety cards, pins, timetables, models, and much, much more will be for sale – and proceeds help keep the NWA History Center running!

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