North Central Airlines New Headquarters Brochure

Cover of the 1969 North Central Airlines brochure introducing its new headquarters and main operations base. From the Hal N. Carr collection, donated to the NWAHC by the Carr family.

This copy of the 1969 brochure introducing North Central’s new headquarters and primary maintenance base (today’s Building D at Delta’s Minneapolis/St. Paul complex) comes from Hal Carr’s personal collection. The complex was a beautifully realized Mid-Century Modern design that has held up quite well in the five decades since it was completed, as the many photos inside this brochure will demonstrate.

Its positioning alongside busy Interstate 494 then and now was a master stroke of marketing that Republic, Northwest, and Delta continued to take advantage of – both to burnish name recognition, as well as to show off their fleets. North Central’s management could never have anticipated that their investment would be the visual focal point of essentially the Twin Cities’ third “downtown”.

1979 Republic Staff Introductory Brochure

From the donated papers of Hal Carr, we find a copy of the full-color brochure sent to all Southern and North Central employees to introduce Republic Airlines:

Click to open a PDF of the full document.

Staff photos taken for the piece are the main attraction for today’s readers. Perhaps you or someone you know appears here?

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